
In the first iteration of this analysis, we introduced the notion of a “root map”—the most population compact map for a state. Unfortunately, we found that the root map was not a good reference point for comparing human-drawn maps, because it can’t be computed definitively (only approximated) and small changes in the approximation yielded wildly different ratings. To use the metaphor of a landscape, rather than getting deeper and deeper into the valley containing the global minimum, successive approximations were flipping between different valleys with local minima and very different characteristics.

In this iteration, we’ve take a different approach. In summary:

Besides the GitHub repositories mentioned above, the main code and data for this workflow is in three repositories: rdabase, rdaensemble, and tradeoffs, the last being where this site is hosted. Two more repositories—rdadccvt and rdaroot—package up our work on root maps, which we use as seeds to the unbiased ensembles here.